What is AHCCCS

What is AHCCCS: FAQs

AHCCCS stands for the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System and is Arizona’s Medicaid program. It helps people who meet certain financial qualifications get medical coverage and assistance. AHCCCS partners with different programs throughout Arizona to provide medical assistance and care to many different types of people. What is AHCCCS? As Arizona’s Medicaid program, AHCCCS…

What is Medicaid?

Medicaid: What Is It & How Does It Work?

What Is Medicaid? Medicaid is a tax-funded, federal health program administered locally by each state using funds from the federal government. If you look at any paystub withholding, you’ll notice that a portion of your paycheck is specifically designated for Medicaid. Each of us pays into Medicaid in case we ever need to use it…

Speeding up the ALTCS application

Speeding up the ALTCS Application

The ALTCS (Arizona Long Term Care) application can be very frustrating both in complexity and the amount of time it takes for the application to be either approved or denied. Speeding up the ALTCS application is a common question we get. Additionally, clients ask us what they can do while they wait for their application to go through. There are many things that can be done and finding pending placement is an option.

How to Apply for ALTCS

How to Apply for ALTCS

How do I apply for ALTCS? We get this question a lot, but first, let’s discuss what ALTCS is. The Arizona Long Term Care System, or the acronym, ALTCS (pronounced ALTECS) for short, is the long term Medicaid program in the state of Arizona. Arizona Long Term Care provides health care and related services for individuals who are disabled and meet age and income requirements.

How to Avoid Medicaid Spend Down

What Assets Are Exempt From Medicaid Spend Down?

Medicaid Long Term Care Rules To receive Medicaid for long term care, a recipient must have less than a certain amount of income and assets. An asset includes cash, certain life insurance policies, bonds, stocks, money market accounts, second homes, second cars, and anything else that could be potentially converted to cash. Certain assets can…

Medicaid Compliant Annuity
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Medicaid Compliant Annuity

As Baby Boomers age, it is expected that the population of older Americans will increase dramatically in the next twenty years. With age comes less independence and for many people, a need for either in-home care or an assisted living facility. Perhaps you are the child of an older adult who is beginning to lose their ability to remain independent.

CSRA—Community Spouse Resource Allowance & Community Spouse Resource Assessment

CSRA—Community Spouse Resource Allowance & Community Spouse Resource Assessment

A community spouse is someone who is married to a person needing care, but does not need care him/herself. The Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) has strict income and asset limitations for hopeful applicants, but the amounts go up considerably when one spouse remains in the community.