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What is a Geriatric Social Worker?

What Does a Geriatric Social Worker Do? When people think about social workers, the image of someone helping children immediately comes to mind. Social workers, however, can fulfill multiple roles that extend far beyond children. Some deal specifically with the elderly and are known as gerontological or geriatric social workers. With more seniors than ever…

Glendale Group Homes for the Elderly in AZ

There are many options when it comes to group homes in Glendale but finding the right fit isn’t always the easiest. We at Senior Planning can provide you with a list of background checked places. We are local and have relationships with many of the facilities and therefore can offer insight on whether or not it’s a good fit. If you are not familiar with what a group home is in Glendale, AZ, they are licensed through the state to provide directed care.

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What are the differences between Scottsdale Group Homes and Scottsdale Assisted Living?

There are many choices for care in Scottsdale and group homes and assisted living facilities are just a couple. Depending upon what type of care you need, your budget, and the atmosphere you are looking for, there are benefits to both types of living. If you need directed care (total care) and are on a limited budget, we would recommend looking at group homes in Scottsdale first. If you have an unlimited budget and don’t necessarily need 24 hour care, an assisted living facility might be the best option.

Traumatic Brain Injury Group Homes In Phoenix

Traumatic Brain Injury Group Homes In Phoenix

Finding the right traumatic brain injury group homes in phoenix can be a difficult task. Since there aren’t too many, a lot of homes have lower standards of quality. There are however many gems out there that not only have clean state records, but provide great care and have been working with our clients for years. In order to find these homes, we first go through the entire list of Phoenix group homes and separate out the traumatic brain injury group homes in Phoenix. With this smaller list, we then perform background checks and try to find out how long they have been providing TBI care to patients and if they have any violations.

North Phoenix Group Homes for Elderly

North Phoenix Group Homes for Elderly

When looking for North Phoenix group homes for elderly, there are a lot of option to consider. First which part of North Phoenix are you looking to live in? Are you looking for a North Phoenix group homes for elderly on the east side or the west side. Once you decide on a location radius, we are ready to begin looking. Do things like granite countertops and a new house matter? If they do we can eliminate a whole bunch of group homes. If you are only focused on finding good care at a reasonable rate, maybe a newer house in an expensive neighborhood might not be your first choice.