arizona couple

In-home Care vs. Assisted Living

As Baby Boomers age, it is expected that the population of older Americans will increase dramatically in the next twenty years. With age comes less independence and for many people, a need for either in-home care or an assisted living facility. Perhaps you are the child of an older adult who is beginning to lose their ability to remain independent.

How to file for permanent guardianship

Permanent Guardianship in Arizona

As Baby Boomers age, it is expected that the population of older Americans will increase dramatically in the next twenty years. With age comes less independence and for many people, a need for either in-home care or an assisted living facility. Perhaps you are the child of an older adult who is beginning to lose their ability to remain independent.

What are the Ability 360 and Freedom to Work Program?
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What are the Ability 360 and Freedom to Work Program?

Ability360, formally known as Arizona Bridge to Independent Living (ABIL) is Arizona’s largest center for independent living. Ability360 is dedicated to people with disabilities, advocating for an independent lifestyle. Their programs are made to teach people self-sufficiency and personal responsibility.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s Care
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Dementia and Alzheimer’s Care

Professional or unpaid, caring for someone with dementia can become both frustrating and stressful. Dementia is a general term describing a person’s decline in mental ability. It is not a specific illness, but a combination of symptoms that are associated with a loss of memory and decreased thinking skills.

5 Wheel Chair Friendly Adjustments for Your House

5 Wheel Chair Friendly Adjustments for Your House

There will come a point when the elderly patient will most likely need a wheel chair in order to move about. The problem with most homes today is that they were designed for people who are able to move around on their feet. Some homeowners are even guilty of designing their home in a non-progressive manner. For instance, they choose to invest on homes, which have numerous stairs and other non-wheel chair friendly things all throughout the house. Making your home wheelchair friendly is a good call especially when you have an elderly who still demands a level of independence despite their state.