V.A. Aid and Attendance in Arizona
Providing Long Term Care to Veterans and Military Spouses
Let Us Help
Since 2007, Senior Planning has helped many wartime veterans and their families gain access to long term care resources through the VA’s Aid and Attendance program. The Aid and Attendance program is a supplemental cash benefit that pays wartime vets and their spouses who are receiving care.
Our Placement Services are Free
If you are looking for care and you currently have the VA benefit, we can help you. There is no charge if you use Senior Planning to find assisted living, caregivers, residential care homes, or any other type of care. We are paid commission if you engage long term care services that we recommend, but our services will be at no cost to you.
What is Aid and Attendance
Aid and Attendance helps vets and their spouses who cannot live independently, but require care from long term care providers. This can include assisted living, other forms of residential care, or in-home caregiving services. Senior Planning helps veterans plan for long term care, preparing them for the V.A. application process. The V.A. Aid and Attendance benefit is calculated based on the income of the applicant and whether or not the applicant is married. Senior Planning can assist you with the benefit application period and we’ll find care while you wait for the funds from the VA.
Care Options
Aid and Attendance beneficiaries can receive care in either a residential community such as assisted living, or a residential care home, or in their home through a care giving service. There is a long wait period while applications process and this is the major issue that Aid and Attendance applicants face. It helps to get started early. Senior Planning can find providers that work with you while you wait for the benefit.
Aid and Attendance Information
Decision Making

Veterans who served during war time are generally eligible to apply for the Aid and Attendance benefit. They must already be receiving care in order to qualify for the benefit. Spouses of wartime veterans are also able to receive the Aid and Attendance benefit for their long term care needs. Applicants must need help with activities of daily living or be otherwise in need of assistance.

The applicant must provide some documentation relating to their service, including relevant dates such as discharge. Senior Planning can assist you with contacting the right people to find these files and to make sure that you are able to find everything you need for your application. Applications usually take several months, up to nine in our experience. Contact us to learn more.
Expert Advice

One of the best features of the Aid and Attendance program is that they provide compensation from the time of application to your approval. Senior Planning is able to work with some care providers to negotiate later payment of a portion of their fee. This is paid once the V.A. pays you back from the start of your application. You must be receiving care to qualify.
Finding Care

Another great advantage of the program over other options such as Medicaid is that the V.A. program is a cash benefit, which means that you can use it to work with any provider. This allows you more choices than you would have if you were working with more restrictive programs. Senior Planning can work with you to make sure that you are in touch with the best providers in your area.